Mine XO

Mine XO
I 0N1G1R1 I

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Rhapsody in Heaven :3

I love this manga >.^

Check out the photos :D


The manga link ^.^



Without you here,
By my side,
All the jokes,
The laughs,
Is taken away with you.

Your every touch,
Every kiss,
Every memory...
Yes, I still remember...

To let go,
Is hard,
Perhaps I'll join you?


Devil's Love

To love someone important,
Is to fight by their side,
To care for someone you love,
Is to stay by their side.

To want to disappear,
And never return,
Is the consequences of change.

Relationships never work,
Just like me and you.

To die for someone,
Is to fill the hole,
You've been holding,
And will never let go.

To love him,
Will kill you,
As he shines through the night,
Through Angel to Devil,
The night gives a fright.

Although this may never be true,
I still will love you,
Even if I have to die,
my heart belongs to you.

My beloved...
I love you.


Visit me again

When I look out my window,
All I want to see,
Is you and me.

Where I stand is nowhere afar,
Beneath the roots,
Under the sand,
Is a shadow of you and me.

Lost in a cave,
Where darkness behaves,
Given the guide,
Darkness, has already flew by.

Rising of the sun,
Shows us the truth,
Of the billion stars, we part.

Looking at our feet,
Like the moon itself,
The birds have flew,
And so have you.

The water so inviting,
My addiction.
My place to ride the waves.

So I'll come to you,
So we can be carried away.
